NMN Explained: One Revolutionary Supplement for Your Longevity Needs

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NMN is quickly becoming a go-to supplement for those interested in longevity and healthy aging. From boosting energy and cognitive function to promoting youthful skin, its benefits are well-supported by research. In this article, we dive into what NMN is, how it works, how to use it, and how it compares to NAD, among other insights.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide – Longevity Supplement for Energy and NAD+ levels

Constantly feeling drained, like you’re running on empty batteries? Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with the nonstop hustle of your daily grind? If you’re tired of feeling sluggish and unmotivated, or you want to keep your vitality at its peak as you age, it’s high time to explore the potential of NMN in boosting energy production and promoting longevity.

NMN, or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a molecule currently at the center stage of longevity. Researchers are discovering that NMN could be the key to slowing the aging process, boosting energy levels, and promoting overall vitality. As a dietary supplement, NMN can enhance NAD+ levels, which drastically decline with age. This decline is associated with various age-related conditions and a decrease in overall cellular function.

The growing popularity of NMN for longevity is largely due to the increasing evidence of its promising effects on health span and lifespan. As such, NMN has become an important focus in the quest to understand and combat the aging process, making it a key molecule in the anti-aging field.

But what exactly is NMN, and how did it create such a buzz? In this article, we will explore the science behind NMN, its health benefits, and how it can play a vital role in promoting energy, healthy aging, and longevity.

NMN - Key Takeaways:

  • NMN is a naturally occurring molecule with potential anti-aging and longevity properties

  • NMN boosts NAD+ levels to support energy production and various molecular processes promoting overall cellular health

  • NMN supplementation may provide various health benefits including supporting cognitive health, metabolic health, DNA repair, longevity, and skin health

  • NMN is available in dietary sources naturally, but only in small amounts; hence, NMN capsules can provide higher levels similar to doses from studies exploring NMN benefits

  • Combining NMN with resveratrol may further enhance the boosting of NAD+ levels

What is NMN?

NMN, or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring compound found in all cells of all living life forms. It is derived from nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3. Categorically, it belongs to a class of molecules called nucleotides, the same as the building blocks of RNA and DNA.

In the body, in terms of its core function, what NMN does is that it powers the NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) production, a crucial coenzyme found in every cell that plays an essential role in innumerable cellular functions, including energy production, DNA repair, and the regulation of metabolism¹. Hence, it is not an exaggeration to say that without NAD+, we can’t function normally at all.

How Does NMN Work?

NMN works by acting as a precursor to NAD+ biosynthesis, and then the NAD+ generated serves as the bioactive molecule that will directly participate in numerous cellular processes. 

When you take NMN, it is quickly absorbed from the gut into the blood circulation within 2-3 minutes². Within 15 minutes, it is taken by the cells and various tissues and immediately converted into NAD+. This boost in NAD+ levels is thought to activate a series of biological processes that are vital for maintaining cellular health.

Among these processes are DNA repair, improved mitochondrial function (the powerhouse of our cells), and activation of longevity-related proteins known as sirtuins³. Through these mechanisms, NMN supplementation has been linked to enhanced energy production, improved cognitive function, better metabolic health, and overall cellular repair and regeneration.

Health Benefits of NMN

Aging is accompanied by a progressive decline of our body systems and overall health, but boosting NAD+ levels may help fight it off, hence many people explore the best NAD+ supplements in the market. 

Are you curious about what NMN does to your body or how NMN makes you feel? You might notice that you feel more energized throughout the day with NMN supplementation compared to when you’re not. Various studies analyzed the effects of NMN before and after supplementation and revealed significant improvements in various health systems.

The benefits of NMN supplements include the following:

Cognitive Health

Have you ever experienced moments of forgetfulness or mental fog? As we age, our brain’s ability to function optimally can decline, leading to cognitive impairment and memory loss. NMN has shown promise in supporting brain health by enhancing NAD+ levels, which are crucial for proper neuronal function and cognitive maintenance.

Research suggests that NMN may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In AD, NMN reduces the oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, while in PD, NMN attenuates brain cell death and improves energy metabolism.

Additionally, scientists also explored what NMN does to the brain and it has been shown to improve synaptic plasticitythe brain’s ability to adapt and form new connections—which is essential for learning and memory. Based on a recent animal study from the Food and Chemical Toxicology journal, NMN can ameliorate the learning and memory impairment caused by nonylphenol, a substance that we encounter on everyday products that can trigger neurotoxicity, impair synaptic plasticity, or make learning/memory defective. By supporting brain cell health and function, NMN can help maintain cognitive sharpness and prevent cognitive deficits.

Metabolic Health

Struggling with a slow metabolism and low energy levels? You can enhance your metabolic rate and energy production with NMN! 

With boosted NAD+ levels from NMN supplementation, you will experience improved mitochondrial functions, which are essential for your overall cellular energy generation process. The increase in energy can lead to enhanced endurance and stamina, making it easier to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, NMN has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels, which is crucial for preventing metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.

Studies also explored NMN for weight loss and metabolic regulation. In a long-term (12 months) mice study, the researchers reported that NMN may improve mitochondrial metabolism, energy metabolism, physical activity, insulin sensitivity, and suppress age-associated weight gain.

When Dr. David Sinclair’s team explored the impact of NMN on the offspring of obese mice, they found that these young mice, which are typically predisposed to metabolic issues and obesity, demonstrated improved metabolic outcomes, including better glucose control, reduced fat accumulation, and increased fat breakdown, when NMN is administered under a high-fat diet.

DNA Repair

Did you know that the older you get, the less efficient your DNA damage repair systems become?

This is linked to our declining capacity to repair DNA as we age. Our DNA is constantly under attack from various internal and external factors, such as UV radiation, pollution, and even the natural aging process. Over time, this damage can accumulate, leading to mutations, cellular dysfunction, and ultimately, age-related diseases.

Therefore, for healthy aging, you have to have a functional DNA repair system. One of the most exciting aspects of NMN is its ability to promote DNA repair and reduce DNA damage by boosting NAD+ levels.

NAD+ is a critical cofactor for enzymes involved in DNA repair. With boosted NAD+ levels, NMN helps activate these enzymes, ensuring that our DNA remains intact and functional. This repair process is vital for longevity and healthy aging, as it prevents the accumulation of DNA damage that can lead to cellular senescence and chronic diseases.

Skin Health

Who doesn’t want to maintain youthful skin as they age? NMN may be the ingredient to achieving this long-term.

NAD+ plays a significant role in skin health by promoting cellular repair and regeneration, hence NMN for skin health is also promising. With age, skin cells lose their ability to restore themselves, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. By boosting NAD+ levels, NMN can help rejuvenate skin cells, promote collagen production, and enhance the skin’s natural barrier function. This results in healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of NMN can help reduce redness and skin irritation, further promoting a healthy complexion. NMN also protects against UVB-induced skin damage in mice¹⁰ and may also aid in aging-related hyperpigmentation¹¹

You might wonder – can NMN make you look younger? Well, NMN has shown promising potential in supporting a youthful appearance. If you couple sunblock and moisturizers with the best NMN supplements, with long-term use your skin may say goodbye to sun damage and age spots.


Some people would ask, what’s the point of living a very long life if you can no longer enjoy it because of the onset of aging-related diseases? Well, here’s a piece of good news: NMN has the potential to extend both lifespan (how long we live) and health span (how well we live)—that’s the goal of the current anti-aging and longevity research efforts.

Research shows that NMN administration in mice could extend its life span by approximately 29%¹². That’s a big deal, if applicable in humans, it suggests that NMN might help us stay around significantly longer.

But NMN’s benefits extend beyond simply adding years to life, it also appears to enhance the quality of those years. For example, Harvard scientists demonstrated that NMN can restore youthful function in the blood vessels during aging. In this study¹³, aged mice experienced rejuvenation in their vascular systems after NMN treatment at 20 months old—an age comparable to 70 years in humans. Since healthy blood vessels are key to good circulation and helping to maintain all your organs’ functionality, this could mean a lot for staying vibrant as we age.


NMN and NAD are both crucial for aging and cellular health. NMN is a precursor molecule that our bodies use to synthesize NAD+. Think of NMN as a building block, and NAD+ as the final product, which functions as a coenzyme involved in various cellular processes, including energy production, DNA repair, and cellular signaling. In essence, NMN is the raw material, and NAD+ is the finished product that fuels our cellular processes.

But, you might be wondering, why not just take NAD+ directly as a supplement? While this seems like a logical approach, NAD+ molecules are too large to be easily absorbed by cells when taken orally. NAD+ is not absorbed well by the stomach, nor directly taken up by cells, making oral supplementation impracticable¹⁴.

NMN, on the other hand, is much smaller and can be absorbed more effectively. Once inside the body, NMN is rapidly converted into NAD+, replenishing the body’s stores more efficiently. Therefore, NMN serves as a practical and effective way to boost NAD+ levels and support overall cellular functions.

NMN and Resveratrol

If you have heard of NMN, you have probably also heard of Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine also associated with anti-aging benefits. Resveratrol works by activating sirtuins, a family of proteins that play a key role in longevity and DNA repair.

Interestingly, NMN and resveratrol have been found to work synergistically to enhance anti-aging effects. While NMN increases NAD+ levels, resveratrol enhances the activity of sirtuins, which are dependent on NAD+ to function optimally. Indeed, a study shows that compared with NMN alone, the combination with resveratrol could increase the levels of NAD+ in the heart and muscle by about 1.6 times and 1.7 times, respectively¹⁵.

Together, these two compounds can help promote longevity, improve metabolic function, and protect against age-related diseases. Incorporating both NMN and resveratrol into your daily regimen could provide a powerful one-two punch for combating aging and promoting overall health.

Natural Sources of NMN

If you’re looking to boost your NMN levels naturally, here are several foods with the highest levels of this compound:

  • Edamame
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumbers
  • Avocados
  • Cabbage
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Tomatoes

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help increase your NMN levels naturally, supporting NAD+ production and promoting overall health.

Note: While these NMN natural sources can help increase your NMN intake, roughly at concentrations around 0.2-1 mg per 100g¹⁶, dietary sources alone are impractical to acquire the quantities needed. To achieve the researched benefits, the best source of NMN is high-quality dietary supplements.

NMN Dosage and Usage Recommendations

When it comes to pure NMN supplements, the optimal dosage can vary depending on individual health goals and needs, so it’s best to consult your healthcare provider or follow the recommendations of the supplement manufacturer. 

Here are some general guidelines on how to take NMN:

  • For General Health and Longevity: Based on the first-ever NMN clinical trial on healthy subjects¹⁷, a daily dose of 100-500 mg of NMN is typically recommended for most individuals looking to support overall health and longevity.
  • For Enhanced Energy and Metabolic Health: Individuals may use NMN to boost energy and improve metabolic function. A slightly higher dose of around 300–900 mg per day has been shown to enhance physical performance, as supported by clinical trials conducted within this range.¹⁸.
  • For Cognitive Health: Those interested in enhancing cognitive function and protecting neurons against neurodegenerative diseases may also consider a dose of 500-1000mg.
  • There are no NMN human clinical trials related to brain health, but converting doses from animal studies to human equivalents may provide a preliminary idea of what might be useful. This assumed range is based on this mice study showing improvements in neurological outcomes¹⁹
Dr. David Sinclair’s Personal NMN Protocol:

David Sinclair follows a specific routine with his supplements, including NMN and Resveratrol. He takes NMN in the morning for its potential to support cellular energy production and longevity. For better absorption of Resveratrol, which is known for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties, he takes it alongside a small amount of fat, often in the form of yogurt. This combination may enhance the bioavailability of Resveratrol, making it more effective in the body.

Sinclair has shared that he consumes 1 gram of NMN daily, usually paired with 1 gram of Resveratrol.


Best Time to Take NMN:

NMN can be taken at any time of the day, but it is often recommended to take it in the morning to coincide with the body’s natural NAD+ production cycle. It can be taken with or without food, but taking it with a meal might improve absorption and reduce any potential stomach discomfort.


What Age to Take NMN?

Findings show that our NAD+ levels start to decline around the age of 30. Hence, experts suggest starting NMN supplementation around this time. However, you can start NMN at a younger age to maintain your NAD+ levels and prevent the decline in the first place. Beyond 30, go ahead and give your cells a treat with a boost of NAD+ to reinvigorate its functions.  

Overall, to choose the best NMN supplement, check for these dosage range recommendations on the product label and ensure that the manufacturer is cGMP compliant and third-party tested.

Natural Sources of NMN

Long-term safety data on NMN supplementation in large populations is not yet available, but NMN is generally considered safe and well-tolerated at relatively high doses of up to 1,200 mg/day based on existing human trials. 

Rarely, some individuals may experience the following mild side effects, especially at the start:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Digestive discomfort

These side effects are typically mild and temporary, but they may lead some to discontinued use. Hence, consult your doctor for personalized advice, especially if you have other medical conditions or concerns.

NMN - Final Thoughts

NMN is rapidly emerging as a leading supplement in the quest for longevity and healthy aging. From boosting energy levels and supporting cognitive and metabolic health to promoting DNA repair, longevity, and youthful skin, the benefits of NMN for anti-aging are extensive and well-supported by consistently growing research findings.

NMN supplements offer a simple way to boost energy and feel more refreshed. If you want peak energy levels and healthy aging, take proactive steps now toward enhancing your vitality and extending your health span—consider incorporating NMN into your daily health regimen.

FAQ - Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

Q1. Healthy or not  is NMN healthy?

NMN is a precursor to NAD+, a molecule crucial for cellular metabolism and energy production. Research uncovered various health benefits associated with NMN supplementation and its potential to delay aging processes. Additionally, since NMN is a naturally occurring molecule that we make in our bodies, it is unlikely to be toxic.

Q2. Why is NMN expensive?

NMN is expensive due to its complex manufacturing process, high purity requirements, and rigorous quality control measures. Additionally, limited large-scale production capabilities and ongoing research and development costs contribute to its high price, reflecting the substantial investment required to ensure its safety, efficacy, and stability as a supplement.

Q3. Is NMN just niacin? What are the alternatives to NMN supplements?

No, NMN is not just niacin. Niacin (Vitamin B3) is converted into NMN which is also a precursor to NAD+, the alleged longevity molecule involved in various cellular processes. Compared to NMN, Niacin (vitamin B3) is a simpler compound that also boosts NAD+ levels but follows a different metabolic pathway and usually has a side effect of “flushing”. Aside from Niacin (Vitamin B3), another alternative that can help boost NAD+ levels is nicotinamide riboside (NR). Other options include lifestyle modifications such as caloric restriction, regular exercise, and dietary sources rich in NAD+-supporting nutrients.  

Q4. Why is NMN banned by FDA?

The FDA has not banned NMN. The FDA had previously approved NMN as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI), which allowed it to be sold as a dietary supplement. However, in an unprecedented move, they have revoked this approval.

The FDA’s reason for this change is that NMN is currently being investigated as a prescription drug. Dr. David Sinclair, a co-founder of Metro International Biotech LLC, is working to get MIB-626, a form of NMN, classified as a drug.

It’s important to note that this decision is precautionary. The FDA has not made any definitive statements regarding the safety or efficacy of NMN. As such, we, along with many other companies, continue to sell NMN.

We want to reassure you that NMN is considered safe for use and has not been associated with any known adverse effects.

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